Upcoming Events
Information for our upcoming events! ∙ To see a calendar view, click here.
∙ Book Club Information ∙
∙ Book Club Information ∙
On the Basis of Sex is an uplifting biopic about the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. This film tells the story of her career, from her education at Harvard and professorship at Columbia to her truly game-changing lawyering for gender equality and equal rights. While most of us are scientists, not lawyers, we hope this story will be inspiring and enlightening as we continue the battle for equality in our own workplaces.
For more information, check out our GWISH Movie Night webpage.
For more information, check out our GWISH Movie Night webpage.
Tips and Tricks for Virtual Conferences
Thursday, October 15th at 5:00 PM
This semester we've started hosting open forum-style get-togethers to provide a platform for safe, open discussion to reflect and express what challenges our community members have been facing relating to certain topics of interest.
Our next hui will be on Thursday, October 15th, from 5:00-6:30pm with the discussion topic of "Tips for Virtual Conferences."
Let us know what your experiences have been so far with virtual conferences and help guide our discussion so that we may make the most of virtual/online conference opportunities. We hope to see you at the hui!
Click the button to the left or REGISTER HERE.
Tips and Tricks for Virtual Conferences
Thursday, October 15th at 5:00 PM
This semester we've started hosting open forum-style get-togethers to provide a platform for safe, open discussion to reflect and express what challenges our community members have been facing relating to certain topics of interest.
Our next hui will be on Thursday, October 15th, from 5:00-6:30pm with the discussion topic of "Tips for Virtual Conferences."
Let us know what your experiences have been so far with virtual conferences and help guide our discussion so that we may make the most of virtual/online conference opportunities. We hope to see you at the hui!
Click the button to the left or REGISTER HERE.
4th Annual Geeks Who Drink: Quiz for GWISH @ Honolulu Beerworks (map) New date TBD Back in 2016, Graduate Women in Science Hawai'i began fundraising in order to create what has become the GWISH Research & Travel Grant—a small pot of funding to support our local members in conducting their research or to participate in conferences and other professional development opportunities. Enter Quiz for a Cause. This beautiful opportunity allows GWISH to fundraise during one of Geeks Who Drink's regularly scheduled trivia times at Honolulu Beerworks. It's simple: quiz participants pay an entry fee of $5. One entry fee per team goes into a cash purse for the winners; the rest goes towards GWISH, but more specifically, the Research & Travel Grant. We will also be holding a raffle for the chance to win extra prizes! What's not to love? Trivia, beer, prizes, and supporting stellar graduate women in science. Trivia starts at 7PM, but we advise you to show up a bit early to snag a table and order a round of drinks before the fun begins! |
OUTREACH: Girls on the Run 5K: To Space and Beyond!
Our semesterly partnership with Girls on the Run Hawai'i returns! For those who haven't participated before, GOTR is an organization that leads 3rd-8th grade girls through a 10-week program through a curriculum focused on emotional and physical wellness. At the end of the program, the girls are prepared to complete a celebratory 5K! Before the run, participants engage in "Inspiration Stations," and ours is full of STEM education! This year our theme is "To Space and Beyond!" focusing on space and atmospheric sciences. We have rocket launchers, "moon sand", DIY cloud-in-a-bottle, and more activities planned! We're going to need tons of volunteers, no experience in space or atmospheric science required! Come share your passion for science and STEM with these awesome 3rd-8th grade girls. CLICK HERE for the Volunteer Sign-up! |
Graduate Women in Science Hawai'i is a Registered Independent Organization (RIO) at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Although GWISH has members who are University of Hawai'i students, the organization is independent of the University and does not represent the views of the University. GWISH is responsible for its own contracts, acts, or omissions.